Wednesday, July 23

40 Buttons

I was a little bit under the weather today.  I was up at 5 a.m. not feeling well.  When I finally got back to sleep there was no way that I was going to drag myself out of bed.  This is the second morning in a row that I have felt overly tired.  Could it be that I go to bed WAY to late?  Most likely.  Could it be that I make BAD food choices.  Yes! 

Anyway, so today I slept and organized the art closet in the office.  It was previously full of David and my "skinny" clothes and my wedding gown and accessories.  Now it is SO clean and SO craft ready.  I brought up all of my paper scrapping and card making materials... that is A LOT of stuff.  (I will post a picture tomorrow.  By the time I got to this I was to lazy to get some pictures to post.)  It looks really good now (and is very functional).  All my art/photo supplies all together!  I am still thinking of what to do with my wedding gown though.  I am not about to take it to the cleaner and have it cleaned and boxed.  I think that we all remember what happened when I had it cleaned after our first wedding reception and before the second... ruin... TEARS (more like sobs)... shipped back to designer... REMADE!!!  I will have to put my thinking cap on.  It is too big to put in any of the upstairs closets and the downstairs closets are organized and there is no room there.  I might have to take it to my parents and put it in my closet (that is still full of my stuff) and store it there.

I worked on the blog layout this afternoon as well.  As you can see there are links to the right for blogs I read and photographers I admire.  If you click the links it will take you to a list of them!  Pretty clever huh?  I also changed the banner.  I am not sure how long this banner design will last before I get sick of it.  We shall see.

I don't want to post without some sort of layout.  So, in honor of my wedding gown:

Have a great Thursday!

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