Friday, July 25

Adult Story Time

Okay. Let me tell you something that happened that just cracked all of us up at work on Monday morning. Everyone was busy about the office. It was about 10 a.m. Kala, one of our dental assistants, walks past one of our exam rooms and giggles. Then, she does it again. She stops by my office and says to Dr. Gardner and I, "that the patient in room #1 has taken off her hair." Mom and I are totally confused. "What?" I said. Kala repeats herself. I laughed at Kala (who is African-American) and said that,"I thought only black people could do that." She died laughing. "Shhhhh, just come look." When the three of us walked past the room we all died laughing in that silent, can't breath type of hysterics because this is what we saw:

What more can I say after that? I guess Kala was right. There is nothing like a good laugh on a Monday morning. Wouldn't you say so?

Have a great weekend! One week until... the puppies! Pray for us!


Robyn and Anthony said...

Oh my goodness- that is so hilarious! And to get a photo of it! hahaha

Anna M said...

I tag you!