Monday, July 28


I think that the "Mac Geniuses" are far from it. I am not knocking them... well I guess that I am, but really I am just knocking Apple in general. So, when you have an iphone you can get no support except for your set up anywhere... but from a "Mac Genius". Okay. This would be fine if they were helpful at all... which they weren't. If you could not tell where this was going, let me warn you, it is going to get ugly. David made my phone an appointment. We get there 5 minutes before our assigned time and checked in. When I asked the lady if they were running on time you would have thought that I asked her the rudest, most stupid question in the whole world. She was short with us and we were quickly dismissed. Whatever, right? When we get to talk to the "Genius" he asks us what is going on. We explain. He confirms that we are not making it all up and the phone is bunk! He tells us that we have to go home. Back up the information. Restore the phone to it's original settings. Then, reload all of the information to see if that solves the problem! ARE YOU SERIOUS? You think that multiple dead spots in my screen are going to be solved? Okay. FINE. Could you not tell us that this had to be done before we made our appointment and drove across town? Could you not tell us this the three times combined David and I called to talk about our issues with the phone? YES YOU COULD HAVE! To top it all off the "Genius" said that even if it needed to be replaced they have nothing to replace it with! GENIUS!

Whew, now that is off my back. I will try to move on... after I e-mail Apple that is!

David and I went to the pet store and $56.00 dollas (I say "dollas" for all those Killer Bunny fans) later we have some toys, collars and name tags. Oh, no. It doesn't stop there. At Wal-mart we picked up a kennel for their training and dog food. A grand total of $150.00 later we are equipped with the bare essentials. Oh, man... what were we thinking? Puppies? Good thing they are cute. So cute! ***Puppy Name Update: Blondie has be changed. Another name came up that is just perfect for her personality. Daisy. It is final. The name tag has been engraved and for $9.50 a piece... we are committed***

I do have something funny to share today. Every office has some amount of crazo patients. There is just no way around it. I am happy to say that our crazo patients are at a minimum. Thank goodness! Well, today we had one. He is a talker. He is very smart... good for him, right? Sure, but he talks to everyone like he is the smartest man in the world and you are just little paramecium (a one celled organism). Today amidst his ramblings he told Dr. Gardner that he is missing his left testicle? Yes, you read that right. That is what he told her! Craaaazo! I was laughing SO hard that I had to leave the room. I thought that I was going to burst! Now, we all have it dually noted that he is the "smartest man in the world... who is missing he left ball". It really has a ring to it doesn't it?

Do you all recognize this game? Oh, I am sure that you do? How could you not? This game was IT when I was younger. Well... now it is mine again! On the Wii you can buy "Wii Points". With the Wii points you can go online with the Wii and buy "classic" games! This is just one of the games that we chose. We bought this game, Mario 2 and Mario 3. Game on. This coming from a person who hasn't played a video game since well... Super Mario Brothers was released on the "classic" Nintendo. I have a lot of practicing to do. I have to get to work! Pray for my speedy fingers so that Mario can be all that he can be and more!

Have a great Tuesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

next time I see Dr. Gardner I'm going to just mention casually that I have only one testicle and see what she does! Hopefully this "GENIUS" did not have any sharp dental equipment anywhere near or in his face!! Oh MAN! You can't make stuff like this up! :) THANK YOU FOR sharing!

P.S. we'll have to secretly practice mario bro's while David's at class that way you can spank his bootay the next time he tries to beat you. And I'm talking strictly about the video game get your mind out of the gutter!!! ;)