Monday, August 11

I Had a Man On My Mind All Day

You know David is always on my mind, however, today the Savior was at the forefront. I don't know what it was. I saw a picture of him this morning and that was it. It was a hectic day, but he kept me calm. The office was cold today and he kept me warm. I know that it may sound silly, but I could feel him around me nonstop.

When I arrived home the calm continued. The puppies were a dream and so were the girls. I came so close to even having dinner finished before David even made it home. Now, the kitchen is clean (thanks for the help Dada), two loads of laundry are done and all four dogs are still alive. A bonus? My sanity is still in tact. Amen to that! Can I get an AMEN? Hollllla! I am not sure how "holla" goes after and amen, but we will go with it.

Anyway, while The Big Man Upstairs was on my mind I rolled with it...

Have a great Tuesday! Holllllla!

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