Wednesday, September 24

Arizona-Day 3

Now, you have the main points of Day 3 in our Arizona vacation.  David was not feeling well.  His allergies really had fired up since we had been in town.  This is despite him taking his regular allergy medications.  So, much of our afternoon was spent talking to his Allergist so they could call him in something that would get to work... and fast.  He was so miserable. 

Since we were to have our shoot the next morning and my David was feeling puny we decided to take it easy.  The mall it was.  I decided that the outfit that I had chosen to wear for our pictures was no longer sufficient.  I am not sure why.  I just was not feeling it, I guess.  I had planned to wear these cool white pants David and I found at, where else, Nordstrom a few weeks before.  Those pants, a cute black pin stripped button up shirt with a popped collar and some red heels were going to complete my ensemble.  We decided on this because we didn't want to "dress up".  Well, I am a dressy person.  I like to get all dolled up and I love high heels.  I was not feeling the pants.  

Our mission?  Find a new picture outfit... on overdrive.  A few hours later... success.  The picture above was the bottom of the dress I snagged (on super sale) and some shoes I was considering.  None of the shoes on the bench ended up being the winners.  However, the ones we did find I love!  You will have to wait until I see the photos from our shoot to see the dress and shoes.

Oh, yeah.  We also returned to Cibo for dinner.  Sad I know.  Their pizza and fresca was just too much for two week people like us to resist.

I mentioned yesterday that we were trying a new car dealership today.  This, too, was a success!  My car was done on time and my problems resolved!  Yesssssssss!  They ended up having to order a new sub woofer from Bose.  That is what is causing the rattling I was complaining about.  That will be installed next week!  I hope that visit goes as well as today's did!

In honor of David and I getting to take down some of our engagement pictures and replace them with our new ones I am posting a page I made with one of our favorite engagement shots.


Alli said...

Hey Erin it's Alli from the AZ class. I have some photos that turned out so fun. What is your email and I will send them your way.
Alli Johnson

Anonymous said...

Awesome banner, I love the old school look! You are very creative :)