Sunday, September 14

Monday. Monday (as sang by The Mamas & The Papas)

Is tomorrow really Monday? Already? I am not sure how this happens to me every weekend. I wake up Friday and before I know it Sunday night is here and getting up early on Monday morning is looming. What can you do? Become independently wealthy and then other people have to get up early on Monday mornings to work for me? I am going to work on that plan.

This weekend was a bit tooooo jam packed for my liking, but it really was a blast. Friday was the usual. Mom and I ran around: bakery, store and whatever else it is that we do on Fridays. Friday night David was going to take me to the movies, but we punked out. Once we were home we were not leaving.

Saturday we had a plan for Mom and I to go to a butterfly farm, but first I had to take Baron to the Vet. In the POURING rain. Oh, joy. Turns out our "Big Sweetie" has a skin rash (the same one he had as a puppy) and allergies. He is now on antibiotics and daily doses of allergy medication. Poor thing. Anyway, since Mom was babysitting Mr. B and we figured we would tug him along. When I arrived at the house my Dad was there. He didn't look to be leaving anytime soon since his weekly tennis get together had been rescheduled. We asked him to watch Mr. B so we could go without the little cutie. Dad said, (laughingly), "Um, no." We laughed right along with him. When he didn't flee the room we decided, (laughingly) "Um, yes", and left them both... together... without any supervision. My Dad's face was really classic.

After abandoning Mr. B with my Dad. Mom and I headed to the city to bum around. The "butterfly farm" was a bust. Totally NOT something that I would consider a "butterfly farm". I think that there were two. Since that was a bit anticlimactic and took about 4 minutes we thought that we would head to this garden we saw a few weeks ago while at UMKC with Sean. Holy Cow! This place was gorgeous to say the least! I cannot say enough about the Kauffman Memorial Garden! Lush, beautiful and so peaceful.

This is the page that I made that evening. It was hard just to choose 30 photos since I had so many great ones (if I do say so myself) and I took over 300. By the way there were TONS of butterflies there!

(I think you can click to make the page a bit bitter. Blogger won't make the two page layouts any larger. Does anyone know how to fix that?)

On to today. You know what today was, right? Sunday? Yes. Cloudy with cool wind gusts? Yes. September? Yes. Okay, I don't think that you are going to get it. Here is one more clue, "...and the home of the CHIEFS!" Yes, frineds the beginning of something beautiful. Today was the Chiefs home opener. Going to this game is a tradition. Ever since I can remember My Nenee and I go to the home opener together, and this year was no different. We left a bit late, parking was a mess (even with reserved parking), but the people were friendly and the wiff of tailgaters' BBQ in the air was something to behold. As we all know the Chiefs suck. However, this simple fact does not matter at the home opener. We cheer, dance and carry on like we are just off a Super Bowl Championship last season. Not to mention Nenee and I were in our Chiefs sparkle shirts. Sparkles make everything better.

As previously stated tomorrow is Monday. That means that it is almost Tuesday. That means that David and I leave for Arizona soon. I am excited to go, however, I am tired. It is not fun to start out a "vacation"-ish so tired. In any event (I love saying that), I am packed and just about ready to blow this pop stand. I packed. Then, unpacked the extra clothes that I packed and knew I didn't need. Then, I replaced the stuff I really did need. No, really. I am packed. All I have to do is load up my camera gear for carrying on and we are off. Minus the simple fact that David is not as prepared as I am. I have faith though. He get 'er done.

Okay people enjoy your days! I will leave with one of my favorite pictures from the Kauffman Memorial Garden. I just love photos of doors. There is just something about them for me. I think I am always wonder what is behind them. This one is no exception.
P.S. I do not know what is up with the spacing.


Anna M said...

Sparkles do make everything better!
Have a wonderful trip!

Stacy said...

We totally need to go shoot together. I'm totally going to that garden this weekend now. I know you'll be gone...sadness. When you get back we'll plan a time to go.

The Jensens said...

I love the pictures! The door reminds of the one to the secret garden. Have fun in AZ!