Sunday, October 5

Do I camp? What do you think?

{Before I get to my original post let me just say... I am SO stoked that Kansas City if finally going to get a temple!  It was announced today during General Conference.  I cannot wait to see where it will be placed.  I have not placed a temple photograph in my home yet because I knew this was going to come soon.  Now I will be able to hang a photograph of "our" temple in "our" home.}

Weekend Check List:

Baby-sit Mr. B
Drive to Ikea in Chicago for some serious shopping
Set up my NEW OFFICE

Yes, that was our weekend.  David and and I watched Mr. B on Friday evening.  Kyle had to work a little later than she had planned so she called me to see if we could get Mr. B and keep him for awhile.  Of course I said, "Um... yeah".  I just can't pass up spending time with that chub.

Friday night we put up the awesome new chair rail in what would be my newly decorated office and got a few hours sleep.

Saturday day morning came faster than I could have imagined.  Sure our alarms may have started going off at 5 a.m. for our road trip, shopping extravaganza, but does that mean we got up?  Ummm... NO. Our 6 a.m. departure time quickly turned into 8 a.m.  Oh, well.  What can you do?  Like I said last week David and I decided to drive to Ikea (not my idea).  The closest Ikea is in Canton, Minnesota, but a few of the key items that we need to pick up were out of stock.  David had the brilliant idea to drive to Chicago.  I thought that he was crazy.  I was thinking that perhaps he was dropped on his head as a baby and the effects were just beginning to take hold.  Drive to Chicago?  Hum... okay.  What else did we have to do?  I could so some serious damage at Ikea.  So, off we went.  Out of Kansas, through Missouri, bopped through Iowa and finally (8 hours later)  Chicago was on the horizon.

I have to tell you that I was totally skeptical about this whole "road trip" thing.  In case you could not figure it out I do not camp, I lounge on tropical beaches.  I do not venture out of the Greater Kansas City Area without the aid of, at the least, Southwest Airlines.  I thought that it was torture to drive to K-State from home in college.  Torture.  However, I was pleasantly surprised.  David and I had a blast!  I mean how could I not?  I was able to practice my Super Sleeping Skills, eat and sing at the top of my lungs.  (No, I did not drive at all.  David loves to drive.  I was totally off the hook due to the fact that I am married to Speed Racer.)  I was also in charge of watching the GPS and giving updates on our ETA when I felt it necessary.  I was the resident DJ for the trip.  Most importantly, I was in charge of dipping David's pretzels in this yummy chocolate sauce (What?  You gotta keep the Driver happy).

When we arrived to Ikea, my new Mecca, the game was on.  David and I were off like wet shirts.  First we bought my new desks since I knew they were running low on the supply since I called Friday to make sure they had any.  With that we checked out with the glass desktops (with flowers... oh my) and the supports.  David loaded them in the car then parked again.  Now, let the games begin.  We were armed with a list... a list that kept growing.  By the time we were done there was no longer light outside, dinner time had long surpassed and the car was pack neatly with my "vision".

David, our goodies and I departed Chicago at 8 p.m.  You can do the math.  We arrived in our driveway at 3:30 a.m.  I was tired, but David was pooped.  Once in the house we were greeted by the sweetest faces.  Our furry friends (that my Mom had been watching while we were away).  We let the pups out, played, fed the dog army in hopes that they would sleep like the babes they are and then turned in.  The minute our heads hit the pillows it was over.  Sleep took over.  A deep sleep.  So deep I don't even remember falling asleep.  I just remember waking up in a bright room and wondering if we really just drive to Chicago and back in less than 24 hours time.  My stiff tired body gave me the answer... YES you idiot.

Today was set up day.  We unloaded the car and began the transformation.  My office was originally in the back bedroom, but because of the set up that I wanted it was easier to move to the other room.  While David installed the new chandelier I assembled the three bases for the tabletops.  David changed out the light switch while I ironed the curtains.  Then, after we made sure the floor was really clean we set up the desk bases and brought in the glass tops.  We were so pumped.  Our measurements were right on.  The two desks side to side took up the whole wall just like I had  envisioned.  After that we took a brief intermission for lunch.  After lunch we hung the new curtains (that I am IN LOVE WITH), hung my magnetic wall boards and some really cool rails that we added clips to so I would have extra space to display photos.  David set up our wireless network while I hung the mirrors in the window seat, set out the pillows, upholstered my chair's seat as well as our antique ottoman, and laid our fun new carpet circles.  The closet in this room was previously organized with all of my paper scrapping, art supplies, camera gear and photographs from high school and college.

I cannot not say enough how much I love this new creative space.  It is exactly what I had envisioned in my head.  The colors are my favorites and the layout is not just your run of the mill office.  I am most pumped about finally having the perfect place to hang my autographed (by the original Broadway cast) RENT POSTER!  (RENT is my favorite musical ever!!! If you can't relate to this... I feel for you!  At this time I would like to send a shout out to all my RENTERS out there, specifically Elias and Liz.) 

I feel so blessed that I have a husband who supports me and my ideas.  I know that when I started explaining my "vision" for this room he thought I was nuts.  He knew that I needed a space of my own to create whatever I felt like... so he went with it.  He found out where we could get the stuff and he planned how to take me there.  David made sure that this room was for me and that it was just what I wanted (as long as I relinquished TV control for the rest of eternity).  What more can I ask for?  A kick a$$ office and a husband that is not only handsome (that's a bonus), but a sweetie!

Here are some pictures of the new space.  I was toooo lazy to photograph everything in the room so I just did my favorite spots.  We are going to order some more carpet circles for the floor, magnentic strips to go under the magnetic boards David installed by my computer, and cool boxes for storage that will go in the legs of the desk.  I am also going to get some of these and these magnets for my boards. The open space on the wall above the desks will be for my work.  I have decided to begin printing my favorite shots as standouts and hang them there.  There is enough space for a ton of them.  As I do more shoots I will have more favorites to fill the wall.

I am still in shock that it is Sunday night already.  Another busy week is looming.  David and I vowed to stay home more evenings with the dogs this week.  Friday we have our season tickets to Broadway Across America.  This performance is The Lion King.  We are really looking forward to that.


Jenni said...

Wow! Beautiful office! Seriously, I love it!

Stacy said...

You guys did such a good job. I love it.

Olivia W. said...

AWESOME! what a nice little sanctuary for you to be productive while surrounded by pretty things! can i move in? ;-)