Tuesday, October 28

I am To Pooped to Poop

I am pooped. When my siblings and I were younger we would always say that we "were to pooped to poop". Today our saying is ringing all too true for me! I stay up way tooo late (midnight to 1 a.m. and even later), and while I don't get up early enough it is still way to early for me.

As I child I would get up with my Mom before she would go off to see her first patients. That was usually 5:30 to 6:00 a.m. In high school I woke up early every morning for school and said to myself in the shower, "How am I going to make it through another school year (getting up this early)?". In college I just went with the flow. Freshman year I grunted through morning classes because I had no choice. My Sophomore year whizzed by. My Junior and Senior year's mornings were nothing to eventful since I only had classes Tuesday and Thursday all day. How could I really complain with only two full days of classes? There had to be a morning classes with that great schedule somewhere.

Since I graduated college mornings have been torture for me. Work? Work starts in the morning? I know, right? What a novel idea. It seems like I will sleep anywhere. The couch, my office and the car is my favorite. David always jokes that sure I don't care about a long car ride. Why would I? I just get to sleep while he drives us to our next adventure.

My late night activities (get your minds out of the gutter) last night consisted of designing some new business cards. My last set is long gone and I needed to have done this for a while. So, here you have them. The fruits of my late night's labor:

fall card 550
Yes, the small brown spot was edited out and so what the weird lens flair to the left.

fall card II 550

This morning I woke up and said, "I have to go to bed earlier tonight". Yeah, right. A girl can dream though. Tonight I have rehearsal for a piece I am singing in Relief Society on Sunday for the Stanley Ward's Visiting Teaching Meeting. I am looking forward to that. They last time I sang in Church was last Easter.


Ammy said...

We always said that we were pooped but I think I am going to steal "too pooped to poop!"....hope ya don't mind....I LOVE that! Hope you get some rest tonight!

Anonymous said...

I am totally jealous of your dogs. I want a dog so bad my teeth hurt, but alas I am not home enough to have a dog, or at least that what I tell myself. -Pete

The Jensens said...

Just to let you know. My blog has been let go into cyberspace. Yup, it's been deleted. It is no more. nada, zilch, zip, zero, nothing.

I hope singing went well today and that your ankle is ok!