Friday, August 8

Rashes, Antibiotics and Medicated Shampoo... OH MY!

Friday is the day I love.  Or well at least I did before I had to chase puppies all day!  It think that I am officially going to loose my mind soon!  Too much craziness.  When we first brought the hellions home I was the calm one.  David was uptight.  Unusual for him, but he was.  Now, the tables have turned.  They are going to drive me to the loony bin!  I swear it!  You think..."Hey just two little bundles of fur.  How hard can it really be?"  Let me tell you.  These suckers are into everything.  They also want to chew everything.  Their new favorite... our kitchen cabinet knobs.  I am going to start calling them "The Destroyers".  I am NOT kidding.

Last night David left me to go and learn and I was home... with them.   Too top it all off we are dog sitting for My Nenee.  Not usually a hard task.  Her dog, Hollie, is a dream.  I have just had to keep "The Destroyers" from licking and loving (this consists of running around in a circle and pawing) her to death.  Hollie is 10 years old and does not need nor want them messing with her whenever she so much as moves.  Poor Hollie.

Oh yes, yesterday we had to take Daisy and Baron to the vet.  They both had this weird rash thing that has been growing over the last few days.  I was terrified that it was going to be something terrible and expensive.  Luckily it was not terrible, but it was expensive.  They have what the Vet called "puppy rash".  He said that it is very common and not contagious.  THANK GOODNESS!  The Doctor said that it is common especially in big puppies with lots of hair.  He said that Daisy and Baron's skin in just trying to get used to being outside more.  Since they go from their Mama, to the litter and are not outside as much as they are now sometimes puppy skin reacts poorly.  Now, the sweeties are on antibiotics 3 times a day and have to have special baths twice a week.  

I posted the only productive thing that I did last night (besides saying "NO" five million times).  Simple I know, but it is nice to do something mindless when it comes to scrapping.  You can only do so man elaborate designs before you mind turns to mush.

This weekend David and I are going to the Royals game.  We have some sweet seats and it is supposed to be in the 80s.  Sounds like a dream.  We also might try and start leash training these little cuties.  If you are in the Midwest enjoy the break in the hotness!

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