Tuesday, August 5

What? Dads Aren't Babysitters?

WOW was this a day!  The office was... B.U.S.Y. Busy!  This is a good thing.  By the end of the day Dr. Gardner had seen over 22 patients.  Reminder: She only works from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.  She was pooped!  The office was full of families and broken teeth.  Broken teeth are well... bad for you and good for us.  I know, I am mean!

Tonight I went to the baby shower for this little cutie I shot a few weeks ago:

It was really a good time.  I had a hard time leaving home after such a busy day, but it was worth it.  Mom and Baby were in good spirits.  It was all ladies from church.  I have such a fun time hanging out with any group of people from church.  The Baby Mama (I love saying that phrase... so urban) really liked my gift. ( I totally should have taken a picture to post).  The Hostess was a gem (I have added her blog to my list.  She is Karina & Family link in my "blogs" section).  Her home was so pretty and just my decorating style.  Kind of that "shabby chic" look.  Karina was so sweet to host this for the new Mama.  

One quick thing I have to note about Karina and her family is that they are just dolls.  Her kiddos were so sweet.  Getting to my point...  Anyway, her husband was in charge of the kids downstairs.  When someone at the shower mentioned that he was "babysitting" Karina said, "No, he gets upset if you say that he is "babysitting".  He calls it being a Father."  I LOVE THAT!  I don't know what hit home with me, but it really touched my heart.  It is SO beyond true.  Fathers watching their own children is NOT babysitting.  They are not doing their wives a favor.  The are doing themselves and their children a favor.  When Dads watch their children it is a joy to be a part of as a child and a joy to watch.  I know for me as a child I loved when my Dad could spend that time with us when Mom was away.  My Dad worked hard, along with my Mom, for our family, but it was SO nice (and still is) to kick back with the padres.

On my way home from the shower Karina's comment really resonated with me.  I was just thinking that I am so happy that I have a husband that I KNOW will be a wonderful Father when the time is right for us.  I know that I have picked a man that will love and cherish the joys of being a father.  I cannot wait to see him teach our children about the gospel, ride a bike, tackle their siblings, prepare for a mission and all the things that come along with those little rascals.

Here are just some random pages.  Both pages are centered around David and my engagement pictures.  It was this time two years ago that we were caught up in the wedding hustle and bustle.  Now, that we are caught up in the marriage hustle and bustle it is fun to look back.

Good night!

P.S. What is the name of that brand of candle that Karina had at her house.  I want one, but now the name totally escapes me.  Please comment with the name or email me with it PLEASE.


Jenni said...

Hey Erin-

It was fun chatting with you last night at the shower, I don't think we've ever done that before! I like your blog, you are an excellent photographer too---what a fun side job to have!!

Also, the name of that candle is Scentsy!

-Jenni MacArthur

Karina said...

You are so sweet to leave that comment about my family. BJ is a terrific father and my mom always tells me that I have no idea how good I've got it. I'm sure that she's right. I often think that I'm the one that should be out working and he should be the one at home raising the kids because he's go patient with them. It was really great getting to know you a little better that evening. I hope to get to know you even more in the future. Thanks again for coming and for the comment. P.S. The candle name is scentsi.com Karina