Wednesday, September 3

A Day for David

Today is "A Day for David". You didn't know? Everyone is celebrating it, okay? Well in case you had not heard I have declared that today is "A Day for David".

I had been thinking this past week about what I could do for my man. He has been working so hard at work, school, getting over the sickies and at home with the puppies that I wanted to do something nice for him. This is what I have come up with. Tomorrow there are goodies to be had if your name is David... well really just my David. I cannot say much more because I don't want to ruin the surprises.

Last night I made spaghetti and cookies... healthy I know. Elias and I also had a chance to catch up which was fun. E-town was on my mind yesterday so I e-mailed him. He called me so that we could catch up. Now, I am thinking about Thanksgiving in Chicago. I will talk to David and see what he says. I have not been out to Chicago in a while and I would love for "my gays" to meet David. I know that he is the cutest David that there is!

Okay no time to chat. I have fun things to get ready.

In honor of the one who colors my world:

Embrace the day!

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