Monday, December 22

Chocolate Pepperminty Goodness

I decided last year that I was not going to make the traditional Christmas Cookies again this year.  Don't get me wrong I love them (just ask the waist of my jeans), but I was tired of making them.  So, I decided that David and I were going to make Pear Jam with the pears from our pear tree in the backyard.  Well, as some of you will remember someone thought it kind to steal, yes really, steal all of our pears off of our tree while we were in Arizona this past September.  Rude.  Out the window went that idea.  As I was thinking (scary I know) I remembered one of David and my favorite minty treats... PEPPERMINT BARK!!!  

Oh, no friends.  I could not stop there.  I had to make sure that I could put to use my triple-threat trifecta as Pete called it.  I used my digial and paper scrapbooking skills to make the bag toppers and to tie all of those bows.  I sang while I melted chocolate.  I used my photography skills to take these pictures.  Holla!  Want to see the fruits (pun intended) of our labor?



Take my word for it when I say delicious.  Luckily for some of you reading this you will get to experience the chocolate, pepperminty goodness for yourselves.  Do you think this will travel well to California and Arizona... we are worried about the melting of our chocolate, pepperminty goodness.  What do you think?  Please don't suggest shipping it on dry ice because we all know that is not going to happen!

I do have a few other things before I go tonight though.  I want to say that David and I truly feel blessed to have such great friends and family.  Your e-mails, comments, texts and phone calls were overwhelming regarding yesterday's post.  Yes, that comment was hurtful, but if you can't laugh in life what fun is it.  Just feel good knowing that Walker and Texas Ranger are loving their new home.

Baron Update:  I know that some people have asked us for updates on his condition.  He has just finished with a 4 week round of antibiotics.  Sadly, about 3 days before this round was to end his rash came back.  It is on his stomach, chest, legs and has now spread to his shout.  He is an itchy boy.  His temperment is better now that he is off of steroids, but all the weight he lost while on steroids has come back rapidly and making him a little slow moving.  David and I cannot make any final decitions on what to do before we know that we have exausted all of Baron's options.  So, Baron has an appointment with another specialist on Saturday and we are hoping that he has some ideas on how to help our pup.  On a funny note, Baron and his sister Daisy have discovered the wonderful world of tennis balls.  The two of them are never happier than when David is chucking that thing across the yard!  Thank you again for your prayers regarding our furry friend!  Who says that we don't have kids?

Anyway, I hope you all are done with your Christmas shopping and starting to sigh in relaxation soon!  Remember to enjoy the holidays and lucky for us they are only once a year!

Our blessings are endless, but tonight I am most thankful for our dogs.  While David and I do not yet have a "traditional" family of our own our Sweeties make it fun to come home.  David and I know that they are always glad to see us, never call out our faults and remind us to enjoy everyday as well as the simple things in life... like tennis balls.


The Jensens said...

Can I just tell you how delicious that looks?!! Seriously....I'm sure if you sent it out here it wouldn't melt. It's cold enough that if you send it it shouldn't get too hot on it's way out here :0)

Anonymous said...

SEND IT! SEND IT NOW!Even if it melts, I would eat. I just named my new crocs Dr. Quinn and Medicine Woman (Used by permission from Talladega nights)

Anonymous said...

Can I just say how delicious they are!! My sweet tooth was aching but it was well worth it!