Tuesday, July 21

Box Cutters are Sharp

Box cutters are sharp. Just ask David's thumb. Yep, you guessed it. David cut, or should I say fillet-ed his thumb at work today with a box cutter. Why he was cutting open a box when he has someone who's job it is to open all the boxes for him, I may never know.

In any affect, the doctor said that he was lucky. Barely missed needing stitches and causing real damage. He was glued back together (literally), wrapped up and sent on his way. How good is David? He went back to work and finished the day.

As, sympathy for his thumb (of course) we at dinner at Red Robin. I also felt the need to be puny with him and watch TV... all evening.

Please send happy healing vibes to David and his thumb!

*I have omitted a picture for you sake. Ick!*

1 comment:

Laura said...

Please tell me you got David a balloon at Red Robin?? Balloons always make everything better...