Friday, July 10

I Wish They Were Mine

Really I just love the UPS delivery person. I feel like everyday is Christmas when that big brown truck stops in front of my house. Today when I left to meet a friend for lunch, I had totally forgotten that there would be a surprise coming. When I arrived home I saw the big boxes on our stoop and my heart nearly skipped a beat. Look at some of what UPS brought me today:



These are some of the prints I ordered earlier this week for a project that I am working. 20 x 30, standouts on metallic paper. Heaven! Check back to see where these beautiful new prints home is going to be!

P.S. I just told David that I need to order some stuff for our house now. His response? How much is this going to cost me? Bless his heart.

1 comment:

Anna M said...

by the way I love the table (or whatever it is) that you are taking the pictures on top of. I look at that sometimes more than the thing your showing.