Saturday, October 3

Brook : Anytime : Kansas City Photographer

I have been asked more than once if I would pledge a sorority if I had it to do all over again. Sometimes, I think about the question for a second. However, it never fails that my answer is always YES. Being an Alpha Chi Omega helped me define my 4 years of college as being some of the best years of my life.

I am not going to lie. By the time my Senior Year at KSU rolled around I was pretty sick of chapter meetings, chanting AXO at every philanthropy under the sun and the general BS that can happen when 150 girls live in one house. That was by far out weighed by the amazing, lifelong friends I made.

Brook is one of those friends. Brook and I would stay up until all hours of the night talking about boys, playing Snood and doing laundry. Our beds were right next to each other in the sleeping dorm and she always gave me a ride to my 8:35 a.m. (bain of my existance) Macroeconomics class. I know it may sound cheesy, but AXO gave me sisters, like Brook, I would have never had otherwise!

Happy Birthday Brook-ie!!!

I am going to start off with my favorite...

Just in case you all were wondering how fun I really am on a shoot...

This next one is so Brook.





In cause you couldn't tell already, the light this particular evening was perfect.



Up next is my second... first... second... one of my favorites!

Happy Birthday again Brook! I hope you love your pictures!

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